Explore Reliant Tom’s moody, gritty world on “Bad Orange”

Reliant Tom’s Bad Orange is one of those records that proves art is all in the details. Each of the album’s nine tracks are underscored by sparse, gritty electronic production that feels at once cold and analogue, creating a musical mise-en-scene for powerful vocal performances by vocalist Claire Cuny. Track “Alien” perfectly sets the scene in this regard, with Cuny crooning against electronic drums and brooding bass in a manner similar to that of Trent Reznor or Thom Yorke circa OK Computer, albeit more melodic and less rough around the edges. Overall the entirety of Bad Orange is a moody, cool, and well-produced effort, representing a bold vision for Brooklyn duo’s first full length release. Stream below the video for single Happy Birthday, and the entire record under it. –Connor Beckett McInerney (@b_ck_tt)