Expert Alterations change cassette EP to 12″, tour.

In early 2014, Expert Alterations self-released a self-titled cassette EP. Now they’ve teamed up with Slumberland Records for a limited edition vinyl release. It’s as solid a collection of contemporary post-punk as you can hope to hear. It’s got jangle and drone, energetic guitars and lackadaisical vocals. The low-fi sound and vocal delivery are reminiscent of Sebadoh, but the songs are quick, their structure and the rhythm section, alternately bouncy and insistent, channel punk like Minutemen and Wire. They jam econo, and the EP is over much too fast, prompting repeated listens.  

You can pre-order now for a June 1st release. In the meantime, Expert Alterations are going on a short tour, starting April 18th at Baltimore Soundstage (where they will be opening for The Buzzcocks–Yes!). You can also catch them April 21st at Metro Gallery (w/ Peach Kelli Pop–also Yes!–along with Baltimore’s Boy Spit and Moist–mmmmm), before they head to the boroughs of NY for some Fests.  –Natan Press