Evan P. Donohue’s Rhythm and Amplitude – Belcourt Listening Party

You might think that all the weekend’s festivities and fun are going to end Sunday night, and that you’ll have to suffer through another hard work week until you can have fun once more. Think again!

This Monday, April 26th, The Belcourt is hosting a listening party for Evan P. Donohue’s first full length album, titled Rhythm & Amplitude, and it is to be (unofficially) bookended by a gathering at The Villager beforehand for some tasty beverages, and The 5 Spot afterward for more tasty beverages and sweet dance moves.

The actual event at The Belcourt is free, and the bar will be open for business. Says Evan about the event, "we’ll be playing the record, three songs at a time, with commentary about lyrical content, song context, notable production techniques and such and such." 

We encourage everyone and their dog to go to the event, and to support Evan’s debut independent release. It will make that gruling work week seem one day shorter, and the weekend one day longer. – Fletcher Watson