Ellevator – Debut Record Available Now!

Ellevator is an alt-rock band from Hamilton representing Arts & Crafts Records. Their self titled debut EP is available now! Here’s how they describe the journey in creating this piece:

We conquered our fears, learned our lessons, lent our ear to strangers, took advice, ignored advice, played to empty bars, sweat it out with full rooms, bet the farm, spun tall tales, told the truth, rode the highway, took a long, hard look in the mirror, got proud, and stayed humble to bring you this record.”

Ellevator just finished touring Canada where they opened for the likes of Matthew Good and Our Lady Peace. Their next Toronto gig is at the Field Trip Festival on June 3rd. You can also see them open for The Arkells at Tim Horton’s Field in Hamilton on June 23rd. – Kris Gies