Dirty Radio

The newest from Sallie Ford and the Sound Outside is appropriate for summer—tunes that float around like soapy water bubbles to the foot stomping time of a night rocking out. The obvious line here is that it is Sallie’s gravelly and addictive voice that brings the listeners coming back; and while that is true, the simple melodies and background soulful vocals make the picture complete and meaty.

Dirty Radio is a fitting title, each song feels like a different flavor of pie at a beloved road side diner. The variety spans from the do-wop and hand claps of “Cage” to the light and airy jitterbug of “This Crew.” The songs careen and mingle together, as if killing time together and trading their stories.

The strength of Miss Ford’s voice is quelled at various times on the album. This provides a nice break and prevents the album from becoming a one-trick pony. “Miles” and “Danger” are stand out tracks that bookend the ability of Sallie’s vocal possibilities. Overall, Dirty Radio will give you more of that beloved sound you love. – SMG