Deli Best of NYC 2012 – Open Submission Results for ELECTRONIC

Since the beginning of the big recession, Electronic Music in NYC has been experiencing an unforeseen explosion, also thanks to the fact that electronic projects are cheaper and more efficient even compared to the most basic of power trios (no need for band mates or rehearsal studios…). Since pretty much any genre can be reproduced electronically, rather than a genre, the word Electronic indicates "sonic material" (as in: ‘these songs are made with electronic sounds’). Hence the variety of styles included in this category.

Total submissions in this category: 43

Artists Qualified to the Poll’s Next Stage (starting around 01.10)

1. Kiss Slash Crooked Smile – 7.66 (out of 10)
1. Clementine & the Galaxy – 7.66
3. AVAN LAVA – 7.50

Honorable Mentions (scores above 6.5)

I Am Lightyear, Loveskills, Mitten, Future Screens, Moon Furies, New Myths, Psychobuildings, Jonka, Late Guest at the Party, Young Heel, Maria Takeuchi.

Jurors: Jason Behrends (Deli Chicago), Jacqueline Caruso (Deli LA), QD Tran (Deli Philly).

The Deli’s Staff