Deli Best of NYC 2012 – Open Submission Results for ALT ROCK

The entire universe often wonders what the difference is between Alt Rock and Indie Rock. Here at The Deli we call "Alt" that kind of Rock music that’s inspired to a more classic concept of Rock’n’Roll or Pop-Rock, or any rock genre that was commercially successful before the aughts – think about bands reminiscent of anything from Led Zeppeling to Aerosmith, Weezer or Nirvana. While Indie Rock tends to be a little more experimental and dark, Alt Rock is (at least in our vocabulary) more traditional and a little more accessible – without being just "pop".

Total submissions in this category: 38

Artists Qualified to the Poll’s Next Stage (starting around 01.15):

1. Apollo Run – 7.66 (out of 10)
2. BLACK TAXI – 7.33

Honorable Mentions (scores above 6.5):

Outernational, Late Cambrian, Viva Mayday, Wyldlife, Only Living Boy, Von Shakes, Raccoon Fighter, The Clox, Noble Hunter.

Jurors: Michelle Turner (Deli Nashville), Brandi Lukas (Deli Contributor), QD Tran (Deli Philly) 

The Deli’s Staff