De Palma Gives Us the Good Drones

De Palma is making me love drones again. They’re a band that puts heavy-ass sounds and vocals distorted to the point of mostly being incomprehensible to a driving, modern beat, and god have I seriously missed drones like these guys can put out. De Palma pulls from all the best parts of classic 80s and 90s dronery, but they tweak the pop knob up just enough that their creations are much closer to being traditional songs than a lot of no wave or noise ever was. The structure of incessant, quick beats and long, slow drones, however, keeps the band fully in the experimental category. I mean, just look at the shape of the track below in the Soundcloud visualizer. This is music for android witches to fuck to. I should remind you that De Palma is nominated for our Artist of the Month (vote to the right), and also feel compelled to express some love to the genre-appropriate minimalist art stylings of their album cover. More white shapes on black backgrounds please. — Trevor Talley @defenderdefends