Closing Art Reception for Animal Show at Pterodactyl April 24

When art and music come together it’s a wonderful thing, and that’s one of the elements that makes Pterodactyl so magical. Their mission has been to revive the enjoyment and practice of creating art for personal fulfillment, to create exhibitions and experiences that resonate with diverse audiences, and to bring people together through the arts. Since they opened in 2009, they have passed with flying colors. During each art opening and closing, they invite local musicians to play and make it a memorable occasion. And to close out their latest zoological gala, “Animal Show”, they have put together quite the menagerie of bands.
Ever since they released Dr. Ponie, Medicine Ponie on Punk Rock Pay Roll, Philly’s premiere queer and allied band Dangerous Ponies have been tantalizing audiences with their joyous sing-alongs and raucous dance parties. But they’re not the only band who is ready to pony up at the gallery tonight, because when Emily J.K. and the Brothers Ellis start revving into their pumped up dance party anthems, Pony Pants is sure to be a name that you’ll remember. When Algernon Cadwallader aren’t telling stories of fire ants, vampire bats, and other musings about life as a band on their blog; they’re tearing into their brash blend of artistic indie punk on Be Happy Records and a stage near you. Last but certainly not least is Conversation with Enemies, whose hauntingly catchy powerpop melodies get buried somewhere deep in your subconscious. Pterodactyl Artspace, 3237 Amber St., 8pm, Donations, All Ages (Photo by Molly Landergan) – Bill McThrill