Cash-strapped, 924 Gilman sounds the alarm

924 Gilman is a place that needs no introduction. The 23 year old Berkeley venue is a Bay Area institution in music history. They wrote the book on all ages shows long before venues in San Francisco started getting threatened by the ABC for not selling enough tacos. However, last week their website announced that a recent rent hike has put them under serious financial stress and the future is looking questionable. This news is disconcerting from a historical perspective and from a cultural one as well. 924 Gilman provides not only a space for persons of any age to come and see live music, but a space for a niche of music that is often over looked in the current musical trend of catchy melodies and Casio keyboards. And seriously, at what other venue can you go and dine on an organic bean burrito, apple juice and Red Vines for $3.00?

You can help the all-ages, volunteer run, music and performance venue by attending shows, donating to the Alternative Music Foundation and spreading the word.

-Nicole Leigh

Photo by Murray Bowles