Wonderbitch Enters Another Reality On “Run Ya”

After two EPs, Oceansoft is Wonderbitch’s first full length LP.  True to their unique sound, Oceansoft is a stylish, adventurous throwback to the clean sophistication and calculated funk of yacht rock and 80s RnB/Pop, but with modern sensibility and production in mind.  A couple new members and new influences bring new facets to the smart, the smooth, and the shiny.

"Run Ya" is the first single off the new album which is loosely based around a wild story Wonderbitch dreamed up: 

A group of rich folks out on a yacht in the 1980s hit a storm and get warped to an alternate dimension where money doesn’t matter and nature is taking over civilization. A type of Waterworld/American Psycho hybrid that influences a nuanced and experimental sound.


Check Wonderbitch perform for their vinyl release tonight at the Mohawk.  More info can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1534300743327195