Winter’s tour-parting gift: the swirling new single “All The Things You Do”

Heads up: Samira Winter premieres a new single mere days before her band’s North American Tour, titled "All The Things You Do". Like celebrated debut album Supreme Blue Dream, "All The Things You Do" verges on the boundaries of shoegaze, dreampop, and neo-psych, with languid beats pouring over melodies temperate and fibrous. It’s a great send-off to summer as autumn falls upon us, and a wonderful tour-parting gift courtesy of Winter (and Burger Records).

Winter leaves on the 18th with indie pop Georgian transplant Allison Weiss, plus NYC’s Mal Blum and Kid in the Attic — first show’s at the Brick & Mortar Music Hall (SF). Los Angeles will be lonelier (and muggier) without the grace of Samira & Co., but fear not: the quartet returns to perform 11/24 at The Echo! Until then, get lovesick with "All The Things You Do" on repeat. – Ryan Mo