Where Is My Mind?: Girls to the Front’s Sara Marcus

Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot GRRRL Revolution is a lyrical narrative chronicling the powerful, and often misconstrued, radical ‘90s feminist era of Riot Grrrl. Written by Brooklyn writer and former Philly resident and City Paper contributor, Sara Marcus, it’s an unyielding movement, as the book suggests, “of pissed-off girls with no patience for sexism and no intention of keeping quiet”. Five years and 150 interviews later, Marcus uses an authoritative but prosaic voice to tell the tale through the intertwining stories of the girls on the frontlines of Riot Grrrl, making art and music, piecing together ‘zines, holding meetings, organizing conventions and doing whatever activism was needed to get the message across of female empowerment and that violence and discrimination against women are not OK. The Deli had a chance to chat with Marcus, who will read and discuss the book this Saturday for this month’s Sugar Town installment at Tritone, about Girls to the Front, what Riot Grrrl means as a scene and a movement and the future of feminism here.