Weekly Feature: Vassals

Brooklyn’s Vassals released their first full length "In My Dreams I Am A Sailor" this past fall. Stand out tracks like "Informers" utilize sparse bass guitar patterns and tom tom driven beats, allowing for a change to clearly understand the vocals. Singing about "ghosts" by way of their "father," the song builds from quiet levels to a bombastic finish. Another track we like, "Dark Circles" initially moves things into further solemn ground, before (again) rising to a dramatic sonic peak. There are references to "dead little stars" that "used to burn so bright." "Tambourines" presents itself as a start-to-finish rave up rocker, and finding the album title embedded within these lyrics positions it as a signature track. Album closer "The River" makes effective use of bended guitar notes to create a sonic image of water in motion. – Read Dave Cromwell‘s interview with the bands here.