Weekly Feature #216a: (The) Tony Castles

Tony Castles (with or without the The, your choice) hooked up at Skidmore College, Connecticut, before making the trek, like so many before them, to Brooklyn, just some two years after they graduated. It’s a familiar tale, but these guys aren’t just another artsy student band. Sure, their music has some world beat flavors that somewhat reflects the direction indie pop has taken towards (read: Vampire Weekend), but Tony Castles are anything but familiar. Just check out their track ‘Pirates’ that’s been circulating the web for some time now. It’s a delicious, six minute spaced out jam. Apparently it’s a demo, which suggests these guys could be scarily good, and hugely successful. According to drummer Gabriel Wurzel, this means plenty of red wine and Apple technology. – Read Dean Van Nguyen’s Q& A with the band here.