Weekly Feature 194b: Lissy Trullie

From Sid Vicious to Iggy Pop, real names have been forsaken for pseudonyms with a rock ‘n’ roll feel. Lizzy McChesney didn’t have quite the right ring to it, so the singer-songwriter christened the stage name Lissy Trullie to host the rotating musicians that write and perform in her band. Although she currently slays crowds with her guitar skills, she began her musical education with the least punk rock instrument, the xylophone.  This minor setback to dominating the world with her rock ‘n’ roll only fueled her desire to obtain a guitar. After a great deal of pleading, her parents finally bought her the much-coveted guitar. She began writing songs at 14 based on the basic song structures found in Tom Petty songs her instructor taught her. Over time, her songwriting shifted with her exposure to different frameworks and sounds. – read Nancy Chow’s interview with Lissy here.