Pilam in Jeopardy!?!

Well, I just received some awful news yesterday for our indie music community. As some of you may or may not know, Pilam’s Human BBQ was shutdown early this Saturday by the cops. It was definitely a huge buzzkill for what was a fantastic day/evening! What’s worse is that I was told the venue/house is in jeopardy of being shutdown by Penn which means all future events are currently in limbo that also includes The Deli’s Best of Philly Showcase scheduled for next Saturday w/Reading Rainbow, Grandchildren and Levee Drivers. We are currently looking into an alternative venue just in case Penn decides to shut them down, but we are hoping for the best. I’ll keep you updated about Penn’s decision and the moving or rescheduling of The Deli’s Best of Philly Showcase. We know. This SUCKS! We’re totally bummed too. – Q.D. Tran