Vintage Kicks Will Play for New Sneaks at Tritone Oct. 13

The Philly via Jersey outfit Vintage Kicks seem to be somewhere in between post and pop punk with their loose yet hasty jams. They have catchy stop time choruses ala The Strokes and vocalist Alex Marlys sounds, at moments, eerily similar to Philly veteran Alec Ounsworth (Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Flashy Python). He shows some teeth though with the raging, anthemic “King Geek”. They are a very new band (forming in May 2010), but already have an EP under their belt called The Empyre of the Sun and have been playing a slew of shows since coming together. Vintage Kicks’ newer songs display a band that is already maturing in their sound and starting to create charming rock songs that show plenty of promise. They will be opening a FREE show at Tritone tonight with Jersey horror punk band Whiskey Spider. Tritone, 1508 South St., 9pm, Free, 21+ – Adam G.