Video: MNDSGN, “Txt (Msgs)”

Inspired by the Nas lyric, “my mind is seeing through your design like blind fury”, and a nod to his dad’s work in neuroscience, Ringgo Ancheta is the genius behind MNDSGN (pronounced ‘mind design’). He illustrates to his audience the importance of beats and melodies in his music, which we rarely hear in music nowadays without lyrics, so we tend to forget how vital every detail is; every bass hit and every auto tune that we hear in the background is what is used to create the songs we know and love. Ancheta’s work solidifies the backbone of the hip-hop beats; his most recent work is the bewitching sound of TXT. His newest release from his album, Yawn Zen, creates an atmosphere of psychedelic ins and outs while engaging his audience on a synesthesia journey. "I’ve allowed myself to study the absence of daily struggle and its effects, and began to subconsciously paint that vibe in the music. Yawn Zen comes from a very neutral place that we, sometimes, are too busy to realize is there." – Kayla Hay