U.S. Girls Back from Europe at DDG April 14

U.S. Girls’ (a.k.a. Meghan Remy a.k.a. Meghan Uremovich) songs contain that beautiful primal instinct inside man and in this case woman to make music. It’s that moment of inspiration by the first person to use a log or a couple of stones as an instrument to joyously express how he or she felt inside. It’s that dire need to create and invent separating the artists from the wannabes. So welcome Remy back from her 2-month jaunt through the U.K., Italy, France and Sweden tonight at Danger Danger Gallery with the always sinister Hot Guts, rockin’ My Mind and interstellar grooves of Mi Ami. You can catch up with her about all the hot topics that she might have missed on the road in Europe like flash mobs, healthcare reform and the recent step closer to the legalization of pot in Philly! Danger Danger Gallery, 5013 Baltimore Ave., 8pm, $5 – $10 donation, All Ages myspace.com/usgirlsss (Photo by Jessica Kourkounis from this week’s City Paper cover story) – H.M. Kauffman