Two Headed Girl release debut EP ‘With Sadness’ & bring emotive indie rock to Middletown, CT (8.8)

The mathy debut EP With Sadness by the emo Hartford duo Two Headed Girl is leaves no gory detail untouched. The emotional project, fronted by Celeste Padua and Angelica Padua, is hard to compare to anyone else. Right from the opening track “Holy Ghost,” this project swallows you whole with the intense choruses and surreal riffs. The duo’s delivery of lines like “I’ll die alone / we all die alone” (from the catchy “Miss Me”) does not touch melodramatic, instead coming across as completely genuine. “Target Practice” is effortlessly relatable, and “Favorite Song” is searingly honest. As you can imagine, the rest of the tracks follow suit. They will be playing a live show tomorrow, August 8, at MAC 650 Gallery & Artist Co-Op in Middletown, CT. – Lilly Milman, photo by Jillian Maraj

Stream the full With Sadness EP below.