Toronto’s FRIGS on the cover of Austin 2018 issue of The Deli

Deliriously rocking beings,

Once a year, The Deli publishes an issue of The Deli that is NOT exclusively focused on NYC acts, but on artists based in all the 11 scenes we cover. That time of the year is now, an that issue is the 8th Austin issue of The Deli, which you can now read online here. The print version of it, in its glorious 7 inch format, will be available in print next week in Austin and in NYC shortly thereafter.

On the mag’s cover you’ll find Toronto’s noise rockers FRIGS, whose debut album Basic Behaviour has been rocking our world in the last few weeks.

The issue features other incredible emerging artists, including hip hop genius Nnamdi Ogbonnya, talented goofball popper Caroline Rose, and Los Angeles’ alt-rockers The Beaches among others – you can listen to all of them in the YouTube playlist below.

Also in the issue, an article entitled "Will Rock Explode Again?" which poses pognant questions about the future of rock’n’roll.

As usual, in the final pages you’ll find a section focused on the guitar pedals and synths involved in our Austin Stompbox and Synth Expo, scheduled for March 16/17 at the Chuggin’ Monkey in Downtown Austin!


The Deli’s Staff