The Deli’s Best of Philly Poll – Vote for Your Favorite!


Yes, this was a labor of love, and certainly heavy on the labor, but if you look over to your right, you’ll find a sweet list of nominees for The Deli’s Best of Philly Emerging Artist(s) Poll. First and foremost, we’d like to thank our always knowledgeable and attractive jury below and The Deli writers for taking the time out of their busy holiday schedules to vote. Without them, we wouldn’t have had all these wonderfully diverse bands to present to you. These jurors are just some of the people behind the scenes that we thought help to make Philly’s music scene so amazing! We greatly appreciate them allowing us to pick their brains.
The Deli’s Best of Philly Poll Jurors:
Grace Ambrose, Booker, Pilam
Abigail Bruley, Music Editor, Magazine
Mikele Edwards, Booker, Silk City
Brandy Hartley, Booker, Johnny Brenda’s
Melanie Hoch, Vinyl Expert and Dancin’ Queen, Repo Records
Steven James, Booker, Kung Fu Necktie/R5 Productions
Jessica McGinley, Editor-at-Large, PopWreckoning
Ben Morgan, Booker, Millcreek Tavern
Gina Renzi, Executive Director, The Rotunda
Mark Schoneveld, Blogger, Yvynyl
Jon Solomon, DJ and Record Label Owner, WPRB/My Pal God Records
Tom Szwech, Blogger, Bag of Songs
Q.D. Tran, Associate Editor, The Deli Magazine
Bruce Warren, Program Director and Blogger, WXPN/Some Velvet Blog
Emma Zumberge, Blogger, The World in a Paper Cup
So check out the list (to the right) and cast a vote for your favorite local Deli emerging artist(s) before midnight Friday, January 15th! We hope that you discover your new favorite band!
The Deli Staff



If you want to know how this poll works, please go here.