Terry Malts Album Release with Synthetic ID and Pinhead at Thee Parkside TONIGHT

Tonight at Thee Parkside, check out a punk centric line up for Terry Malts’ release of their new album “Nobody Realizes This Is Nowhere”.

Terry Malts will be kicking off their US tour at tonight’s show! Their new album features an array of classic punk rock elements like sing-a-long choruses, simple, yet effective, guitar riffs and a heavy drum section that keeps you on the edge of your seat with each song. Synthetic ID has a more lo-fi sound with a distinguishing guitar sound and hardcore 80s-esque vocals, which takes elements from acts like SCREAM, Minor Threat, and other bands of the era. Pinhead, a Ramones tribute band, will also be covering tunes from the 70s punk group.

Don’t miss out on this mix of Bay Area punk bands! Victor Casillas Valle