Spotlight: This Blue Heaven’s “Spinning and Shining”


"Nova Love" could be the most aptly-titled opener of the month.  A short snare fill and This Blue Heaven‘s latest effort, "Spinning and Shining," explodes to life.  It’s rowdy and dense, a lead piano line sparkling over tectonic guitar riffs and a powerful rhythm section.  There’s even a little extra time tacked onto the introduction for a little synth freakout.  And when the floor is finally cleared for MacKenzie Outlund’s vocals, it isn’t long before the band bursts in again and the energy is kicked back into, well, supernovaic proportions.

It’s clear as the EP progresses, though, that This Blue Heaven is finding new footing.  There’s a nice sense of space and pace throughout; the instruments are thoughtful in their involvement, and background layers support the production without making themselves overly obvious.  The song structures are effective – the songs guide or push, tumble or flow, and each has its own character.

The hooks fly fast and frequent; the verse of "Generous Soul" flirts and winks, while "A Serious Mistake" is a dizzying waltz that falls into what almost sounds like a barroom anthem.  If the melodies occasionally have trouble keeping up with the music, it only adds to the energy.  (Surely, these songs will find themselves as comfortable on a stage as in headphones.)  And although "Slow Dance Slow" will have the crowd reaching to get their lighters in the air, step back and pay attention to the gentle build and the bittersweet chorus melody.  The swell and culmination may be the most gratifying moment the band has crafted yet.

You can hear This Blue Heaven perform on Thursday at TT the Bear’s.  We should also mention that the rest of the bill is stellar!  See you there.

9pm Apollo Run (from Brooklyn)
10pm This Blue Heaven
11pm The Backup Factor
12pm Apple Betty

$8 cover charge

Cullen Corley