Some emerging NYC bands playing Northside on Friday

Tonight things get rather interesting at Northside, with a bunch of bands I’ve been meaning to see live for a while but always missed.

My night will start at The Grand Victory, where I’m curious to see Supercute! (pictured and streaming). Teenager girl playing Syd Barrett-influenced pop sounds just too intriguing to be missed!

After that, Brooklyn Bowl around 7pm: Xenia Rubinos will open the show (we booked her for our Best of NYC show last year, and we were glad to see Pitchfork reward her explosive musical imagination with a review approaching the 8 mark), but I’ll be there mostly for Sinkane (streaming below), who has been doing interesting things in the NYC scene. I think he should tour with Delicate Steve.

Cameo will host a show with two artists I definitely want to check out, Vensaire and in particular Ludwig Persik, whose first EP was our Record of the Month late last year. Two great bands who graced our cover (Snowmine and Bear Hands) will follow but we’ll be gone by then, maybe to see our psych rock friends Tempers (streaming below) if we can get there on time, who feature ex Seasick singer Jasmine Golestaneh, of whom we’ve been long time fans.

To keep things dreamy we might check out Phonetag, an interesting electro-dream-pop one man act (streaming below) playing Muchmore’s at 10.30, or maybe Butchers & Bakers, who’ll be playing The Gutter at 11pm between Shilpa Ray and Lazyeyes

Later at night I’ll have to make a choice between punk (at Public Assembly with Shapes and The So So Glos) or Electro (Brooklyn Bowl with Computer Magic and Chrome Canyon).

There are lots of other bands I’d love to check out but I haven’t figured out how to break the space and time constrictions (just yet). – PDG