Seequill releases “Social Life” EP, unveils video for “The Walls + tours

It’s quite rare these days to stumble upon some quality psych rock that’s truly "out there" – but in a good way. Brooklyn duo (turned quartet) Seequill has been refining the psychedelic art of being sonically unpredictable for quite some time, and kaleidoscopic single/video "The Wall" might well be the culmination of such effort.
A Morriconian musical environment brought on by Mike Gamble’s polychromatic guitars perfectly blends with the acid tone of Devin Febbroriello’s vocals, while the rythm section flows underneath like some kind of unruly stream of consiousness. The song builds to a pause that only serves as a reset button to build to a clusterfucked finale, perfectly represented in the video’s apocalyptic end.

Sequill is releasing their EP "Social Life" today, and are currently on a short Mid West tour. See them at Nublu when they return to NYC on September 15.