Rayland Baxter and “The Miscalculation of Song”

There is a particular rawness about music, that when captured right makes your whole world fall apart. It somehow seems to strip away the lies you’ve been telling yourself, and make apparent the realness of the world you live in; sorting through muddled love to find clarity. Rayland Baxter’s music does this for me.

A true folk artist for the people, Baxter has mastered the combination of poetry and music, leaving you with something that feels unrefined and unmistakably sincere. His latest EP, The Miscalculation of Song, showcases Baxter’s rich and rusty vocals, as they lay perfectly atop a bed of haunting slide guitar and romantic acoustics. It is nice to hear a musician that still puts as much effort into their lyrics as they do the music that accompany them. With thematic parallels of nature and women, love and love lost, Rayland’s music tells a story that is timeless. Burying his influences deep within, Baxter retains originality while reminiscing about the all-American story of our past and of our future.

An incredible songwriter and musician to match, Rayland Baxter is an Americana artist to keep your eyes on. Be sure to check out his latest EP, paying close attention to, “Hoot Owl”, “The Woman For Me”, and “Troubadour”. —Mackenzie Grosser