Ray Neades benefit show at Church 4/8-4/10


This Thursday through Saturday nights, there will be a benefit show for local musician Ray Neades at Church. Sadly, Ray passed away this past December, far too early at the age of 42. If you did not know Ray, he was perhaps most well known for fronting an AC/DC cover band by the name of Beefy DC. He got so much joy from playing music.

I saw his band perform at Paradise one night and after his set I asked him how he was. His face beaming, he told me he how he had always wanted to play that room, and that he felt like he was on top of the world.

At the time, I worked with Ray at Guitar Center. Outside of performing music, he was honestly one of the funniest people I have ever met in my life. He made my workdays so much better with his sense of humor. He told the kinds of jokes that I retell to people over and over again. He had such a big heart, filled with life and love of music.

The proceeds from the shows will go to help his family alleviate some of the expenses related to Ray’s death. The shows feature a large cast of local musicians coming out in support of Ray and his family, including Jenny Dee and the Delinquents and Andrea Gillis. You can get more info and buy tickets HERE

RIP, Ray. We will miss you.

–James Houlahan