(Rather extreme) Art Punk from Brooklyn: Palberta

The no wave/art-punk movement pioneered by bands like The Lounge Lizards, Art Brut and The Yeah Yeah Yeahs have paved the way for the current up and coming sonic experimenters that continue to push the boundaries of what punk music is and what it can sound like.  Bands like Guerrilla Toss, Sediment Club, Show Me the Body have been re-contextualizing an already well known punk sound and aesthetic, turning it completely on its side, and traveling to further and further reaches of sonic experimentation.  One of the latest additions to this crew is a quirky, all female Brooklyn based trio of multi-instrumentalists who go by the name of Palberta.  Here are some reasons why we love Palberta: They like to push peoples buttons, they all swap instruments on each song, and they’re not afraid of the patriarchy.  Their sound covers a lot of territory, but each song has this whimsically dark personality completely unique to Palberta. The band fearlessly switches between off-kiltered, yet quite catchy, indie-rock melodies to monstrously static-ridden blasts of noise.  They recently released a split EP with New England Patriots, a band which exists in a similar realm. Stream below their interoperation of Hot Cross Buns, it’s a real treat. – Jake Saunders