The Prettiots release new cassette “Stabler” + tour Europe

Strumming on their ukuleles, The Prettiots make the horrors of young adult life into comical, playful, and more importantly, reassuring tunes. Comprised of two New Yorkers, Kay Kasparhauser and Lulu Prat, the duo soothes growing-up anxieties with a fatalistic attitude, but listen closely and you’ll hear The Prettiots’ talent for catchy melodies and memorable hooks. On their single “Suicide Hotline,” Kasparhauser sings  "Woolf took a dip with some rocks in her pockets / I’d say comparatively I’ve got a bad case of the fuck-its.” Their melodies, light and airy, mask their troubled, but relatable, and ultimately, reassuring lyrics – who hasn’t had a “bad case of the fuck-its after all?” The trio, who played three CMJ shows last week, just released single “Stabler” (under Rough Trade’s wing!), in a classic cassette format, as the video below makes clear. They will be traveling to Europe for a two week tour.