PREMIERE: Sheers – “Quantized”

 The brooding sounds of Sheers are undeniable. Led by the deep, mercurial vocal capacity of Lily Breshears, the particular sounds the trio produces are rife with opportunities for introspective thinking, and their first track of 2017 definitely follows in that same vein.

"Quantized" artistically and classically blends trip-hop, jazz and minimalistic pop into layers of textured and honest instrumentation and lyricism. Breshears’ vocals steadily build along with backbeats from Daniel Rossi and atmospheric bass from Aaron Stern in efforts to fight against instant sonic gratification, encouraging focused reflection. The idea for "Quantized" came from the unwanted recalling of old memories brought on by the summer’s blooming scents, prompting the line “early summer never smelled so putrid/when the last was best and worst and unlived." It’s meant to showcase the effect memories of past experiences can have on the present, and that it does very well.

A release show for "Quantized" will be at Bunk Bar on 7.12, along with another single release from Arlo Indigo and another performance from Tino’s Dream.