Premiere: Necatuss “Arawn: Incongruent Goals”

We are proud to be able to premiere the latest single from the forthcoming new album, Of Myths and Fables, "Arawn: Incongruent Goals" from electronic music producer Necatuss (aka Patrick Soper). This is new project, which is set to be released later this month, is years in the making and is the result Soper’s deep dive into his Irish and Celtic Roots.

Each track on this project takes its name and inspiration from a "different Pre Christianity Celtic god and its contemporary god of today". Arawn is The God of Death, War and Terror, and, according to Soper, this track is about the human price of profits which is rather pertinent in this moment of debate between human life and safety and the security of the economy.

Here is what Soper had to say about this project as whole; "My Ideal outcome would be something that is hyper layered, full of musical and art historical contexts that create this sort of archeology of a fictional past explored in it’s own fictional universe and something that can also exist without these narratives on it’s own, embracing a duality of Pop accessibility and artistic sensibility."