Pearla plays introspective indie-pop at Mercury Lounge 04.10

NYC’s Pearla is an act you’ll want to keep an eye out for – her songs are brooding, melodic and relatable. With inflections of Fiona Apple, Pearla laments her sense of dislocation on "Somewhere," using her literal geographical disorientation as an analogy for her own sense of unmooring. The song’s arrangement is atmospheric and poppy, making good use of tasteful electronic percussion and delicate keys. "I don’t know which way is north/I never do, I’ve just trusted I would end up somewhere." It’s a compelling sentiment for anyone who feels as if they’ve been thrusted into adulthood, ready or not. Pearla is playing at Mercury Lounge on April 10th, with Belle-Skinner and Ricky Stein. Listen to "Somewhere" below!" – Ethan Ames