On the Eve Of Their Tour, Quiet Company’s Gear Gets Jacked

[Ed.: Forwarding this on to the Deli readership, help out if you can:]

The night before they were supposed to leave for a 3-week tour, hard working local band, Quiet Company, had their trailer broken into and a majority of their gear stolen. 

The band is currently trying to make last minute plans in order to keep their tour dates uninterrupted and needs your help. Below is a list of instruments that were taken from their trailer, which is kept in a secure, gated location, no less. If you have any information, or are able to locate any of the gear below, please contact Paul at: paul@quietcompanymusic.com

Stolen Gear Includes:
1973 Fender Jazz bass (black with white pickguard, black block inlays in the neck, original bridge with the saddles zip tied together, Dimarzio pickups, a chunk out of the nut below the G string, pretty roadworn) http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs404.snc4/46717_436474828745_513488745_5013404_6673875_n.jpg 

Late 90’s American Fender Telecaster (black with white pickguard, punisher sticker likely removed by now) http://www.jhjackson.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/quiet_company4.jpg 

1994 to 1997 Japanese Fender Baritone Jaguar guitar (black with silver hardware) (looks like this one)http://www.instrumentpro.com/image.php?src=%2FMerchant2%2Fgraphics%2F00000001%2Ffen0259300.jpg 

Epiphone ES-335 guitar (vintage sunburst finish, missing a screw on the tortoiseshell pickguard)http://lh4.ggpht.com/_ZRFBwHnEgEQ/SETf1QyOTkI/AAAAAAAAQ4Y/xRuUAmwsI40/IMG_9224.jpg 

Samick hollowbody guitar (walnut finish, f-holes). http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-ash1/v231/17/75/1245680106/n1245680106_30047682_2942.jpg 

Love, Quiet Company

Taylor, Matt, Tommy and Jeff