NYC Monday pick me up: Vuvuzela’s baroque orchestral carousel

Vuvuzela comes on like a battering ram crashing through a carousel. The baroque instruments (complete with upright piano, harp, organ and antique synths to match) command the group through some serious trust issues… at least if we’re talking about trusting any semblance of peace and quiet. Through relentless piano key hammering and tenor vocal shrieking, the band chugs along om an unstoppable pace, pausing only for the tiniest of pianissimo interludes before derailing again in songs ‘Like A Lion’ and ‘Rings and Things’ (streaming below). Vuvuzela, like it’s instrumental namesake, is certainly a chaotic force to be reckoned with… but one that might be exactly what’s needed to lift your spirits on a NYC Monday. Check out a video here. – Mike Levine