NYC Bands on the rise: Silverbird plays Baby’s All Right on 02.18

We first covered NYC quartet Silverbird back in 2013, and, two years and a half later, we find a band that has evolved from their initial soft, dreamy and orchestral folky atmospheres (still dominating their 2014 EP ‘Surface Life‘) to a more elaborate, extroverted and upbeat art rock sound, pervading their 2015 release ‘Pureland‘. Considering it was entirely self released, the record has received a surprisingly good reception, raking up tens of thousands of plays on Spotify and a good amount of press coverage. The strenght of the album, besides a sound that blends glam-pop overtones (some may hear a Suede influence) with the trademark light psychedelia, is its consistency. Unlike most records out there, the band’s best material isn’t immediately burnt within the initial few tracks, but slowly unfolds song after song. Our personal favorite is ‘Seventeen’ (streaming below), a tune that, after a rather static verse, develops unexpectedly through a peculiar trasaction towards a chorus that brings to mind the best Flaming Lips tracks. Don’t miss these guys at their next live show, scheduled for February 18 at Baby’s All Right with Corbu and Ron Gallo.


We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!