NYC Artists on the rise: Flagland plays The Twisted Shamrock on 02.22

Pull on that old grandma sweater, roll your own cigarette, put on the dirtiest jeans you can find. We’re going to let Flagland take us back to a simpler time. A time when bands were just being bands. Playing music that meant something to them, not trying to please the entire world. The Brooklyn trio taps into a pocket once occupied by Mudhoney or Sebadoh and other secular acts from the 90’s. It’s a time we long for once again, and one that’s definitely making a resurgence. We’re all for it, let’s throw caution to the wind, focus on the music, don’t worry about anything else. Those were the days, and thanks to bands like Flagland, they may be coming back again.

Check out their latest release Lovehard, and see them live at The Twisted Shamrock on Feb. 22nd before they head on a mini tour in New England. But if you can’t make it, don’t worry about it, take it easy, crank up the music and dream on. – Joe Fish