New Video: “Untitled” (Out Of Town Films) – Mary Lattimore & Jeff Zeigler

Check out the lovely new video from Out Of Town Films of Mary Lattimore and Jeff Zeigler performing “Untitled”! Below are a few words about the session from the production crew.

This session with Mary Lattimore had been months in the making. We first visited her home last summer to film Quilt in her backyard then we visited a few months later to shoot with her former roommate Daniel Bachman. All the while, we kept talking about linking up for a session with her and her harp. 

Fast forward to several months later and a night out at the El Bar in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia. We ran into Mary and made a pact to finally get together for a session. A few emails later and the recruitment of her friend, Jeff Zeigler, we found ourselves back at her home. This time we were there for her and her "Untitled" performance. Enjoy.