New Ben Loomis EP Available for Streaming & Download

Ben Loomis is the recording project of Matt Roth. Roth’s recent collaboration with Pulgas’s Simon Martinez resulted in the EP Hoss Flat, a small but robust collection of songs released back in December. Frogs picks up from where Roth left off, inviting the listener into an array of modest pop tunes that exhibit slick grooves, crisp production, and a sophisticated sonic palette. Each track begins with a hook, immediately drawing you in and spurring a curiosity to hear out how the songs will evolve. The EP showcases Roth’s uncanny ability to explore genre conventions with a lucidity that gracefully lands each musical leap of faith; each track continually advances into new territories without feeling like the narrative is being stretched too thin. Perfect music to soundtrack a winter thaw, a refreshing burst of sunlight amidst the anticipation of spring. (Photo by Sarah Milberger)  – Josh Kelly