The Naked Wild Releases Beauty Fools EP

Blue-eyed-cottage-soul, bringing the groove and the vibe. The Naked Wild sure are. Bare, super-clean production, and great energy make for some superb late-night, laid-back party songs you could play all day long. Throwing back some mean guitar licks and air-tight rhythm, the boys make the record sound fun, and like they had fun recording it. “Brett’s Song” has lead singer Nick belting out some fun-rhyme schemes coupled with some real-rock out moments, with brother/lead guitarist Mitch really ripping through the whole tune. “Neighbour” calls back to a 50’s pop-groove, coupled with a modern-ambience that makes you wonder why you haven’t it heard a million times already, as the bassline pops and skips around them. “Rabbit Proof Fence” has some beautiful melodic moments, even a post chorus “la-la-la” that I dare you not to catch yourself singing later. Last but not least “Summer” finds Mitch taking over the mic, with a raspier take on a song that begs to be played as a backdrop to the start of a night-to-be-remembered. The mellow verses and rock-chorus serve as a great close to the short but sweet EP. All in all, Beauty Fools catches the essence of what playing music with friends is supposed to be, fun, and hopefully loud. Make sure to Check out their full EP, and keep up to date with their facebook for up-coming shows. – Cody Wright