Mirror Talk spread the dance on Choose Life

If there was anything music in the eighties taught us, it’s that there’s always time break into dance and leave logic out the door. Or maybe that’s how the plot to the Breakin’ films unravel. Either way, it’s hard to avoid the enduring influence of synth- pop in today’s younger bands. And while the mission of most is to distort its spotless, primitive arrangements with noisy bursts of riotous vigor, there’s also those who shun the idea of experimenting for experimenting’s sake and opt to bust out the Casio and put it on auto-pilot. The self-proclaimed millenials Mirror Talk fall into the latter – the songs off their self-titled EP resonate with a playful spirit, filled to the brim with contagious excitement. Seemingly meant to be taken in the same context as a “choose life” t-shirt, they share a song titled with the eponymous eighties slogan. And the sentiment couldn’t be any more apropos with the song’s vitality – going for an arena-level synth pop sentiment, in which they exclaim is it true love with upbeat jubilation, the hyper-balled unabashedly melds a finely-tuned production that feels very now with a glorious sense of the past.