Local Teen hones self expression on “Darf Yader”

Most of the tracks on Darf Yader clock in under three minutes, but from starting pistol “Greata The Sweata” Local Teen is off at breakneck speeds, driving white knuckled towards the beach – carried by the momentum of fuzzy melodic punk. Wont to avoid an easily cohesive product, however, Darf Yader sees the Portland-based project veering into other genre territories, from “Everything Is Shit’s” self-effacing slacker rock to shuffling folk on “Coward’s Way Out,” replete with an echoing melodica solo. This is to be expected by a band that indicates in their website’s manifesto that “music genres are fucking useless” and embraces “self expression” first and foremost. Appropriately so, Darf Yader a record that’s hard to pin down, but held together by an unending iconoclastic energy and an acid washed aesthetic. Check it out below. -Connor Beckett McInerney (@b_ck_tt)