Live Review: Blunt Mechanic, And I Was Like What?, Lee Corey Oswald – April 8th at Berbati’s Pan


Singer, guitarist and songwriter Ben Barnett has a new sound, a new band, and a new LP – World Record – coming out April 20th. I got a chance to check out his band, Blunt Mechanic, at Berbati’s Pan last Thursday, along with Portland groups And I Was Like What? and Lee Corey Oswald.

The crowd was sparse and the atmosphere quite dark, but that didn’t keep any of the bands from rocking out hard. The Oswald duo opened the show and reminded me once again how much I love listening to acoustic guitars and a sweet harmony. However, I have to admit that their harmonization was a little off live, and they at times sounded like they were trying to yell over each other. They got the crowd all warmed up and raring to go though, and once And I Was Like What? stepped on stage, the crowd was ready to groove to their Americana pop beats.

This all-bearded band really had their shit together and it’s hard to believe they are still unsigned. They sounded fantastic live, and I absolutely loved the band’s use of the electric violin.

By the time Blunt came on I was starting to feel the fatigue setting in, so I was hoping they were going to bring some mad energy to the stage. Lucky for me they did. The best was definitely saved for last in this case, and Blunt was just as much fun to watch as they were to listen to. Barnett is not new to the music scene; in fact, he released 10 albums with the band Kind of Like Spitting and works as the Music Director of Seattle’s School of Rock. All of his experience shows on stage, and his enthusiasm and passion pours over you like a banana split with a cherry on top.

All three bands have upcoming shows in the Northwest, so keep your eyes glued to The Deli and your ears tuned to your local radio stations.

Deanna Uutela