Life Size Models take a trip down memory lane in fun, fresh ‘Homemade EP’

The newest release by the quartet Life Size Models, aptly titled Homemade EP, is an explosion of nostalgic alternative rock. Lead singer Chris Seymour’s energy is intoxicating, as he layers borderline raucous vocals over the fun, fast-paced melodies of tracks like “Get Better” (streaming below) and “State of Mind.” Listening to this EP is akin to being on the brink of an adventure; it’s music for the car ride, for the moment you realize you are about to do something big. There’s something distinctly summery about their jangly, garage band ballads, although they’re worth listening to all-year long. Their next show will be free of charge, at the Caravan Lounge in San Jose starting at 10 pm. – Lilly Milman