Late Slip delivers rollicking country-punk at Hank’s Saloon 04.12

NYC’s Late Slip is best categorized as country-punk, though the band’s genre-bending makes for a unique, if not undefinable, listen. Their 2016 EP, Other Men, is a rollicking four-song romp that grapples with the theme of love lost, without descending into tones of bitterness or self-pity. The tempestuous content of frontwoman Chelsea Nenni’s lyrics is counterbalanced by uptempo, crunchy, roots-rock arrangements. Nenni’s vocals are remarkably strong and versatile, carrying each song along with impressive technique and range. Above all else, the songs are catchy and concise, with memorable melodies that’ll stick around one’s brain long after they’re over. Check out the eponymous "Other Men" below, and don’t miss Late Slip at Hank’s Saloon on April 12th, with Lovechild! – Ethan Ames