Jerry Paper’s “Your Cocoon” is a warped pop treat, playing Baby’s All Right 06.30

Nothing about Jerry Paper’s “Your Cocoon” is totally out of the ordinary, but it also never quite reaches ordinary. From the starting temp rev up that seems to transform into synths restarting at every chord all the way to the honking melodic shadow that doubles the song’s closing lines the music is slightly unusual, determinedly modern. Almost every sound in the song comes warped, transformed, edited into something new. Unlike the titular cocoon that will eventually fall away and reveal itself to be something else, Paper has morphed the instruments into something else that wraps and covers the original sounds. “Your Cocoon” will be released as a 7” in July by Stones Throw Records. For now, listen to the track below and catch Jerry Paper headlining Baby’s All Right on June 30 with Dougie Poole and Jennifer Vanilla. – Cameron Carr