Isabel’s CMJ Day 1: Ron Gallo, Wet Leather, Caged Animals, and Weekend Money

My first CMJ day started at Arlene’s Grocery with Wet Leather, an NYC based band. The quintet filled the venue with their soulful and memorable alt pop. You can hear an 80’s influence (dominating synth & funky basslines) in their music, but it isn’t gimmicky. Performing alongside, “Yours and Mine,” a track of theirs with anthem potential, Wet Leather also premiered their new track, “Shame,” which had just been premiered on Consequence of Sound. Continuing my night at Cake Shop, Caged Animals were a highlight. The group makes dreamy alt pop so momentous, I forgot I was in the Lower East Side of Manhattan; with introspective lyrics, Vincent Cacchione’s voice, often harmonizing with Magali Francoise, soared over the tightly organized instrumentation. Ending the set with their song, “Teflon Heart,” the track’s catchy melody and vocal hook followed me the rest of the night. To finish the night, I headed back around the corner to Arlene’s Grocery to see local Hip Hop duo (via Philly and Iraq!) Weekend Money perform (pictured). Lead singer Ne$$ was bold in every way, shouting into the crowd, “This ain’t spoken word, wake the fuck up!” Accompanied by Baghdaddy, the two made the audience bounce, but it was Ne$$’s lyrics that were most affecting. Performing their track “Yellow,” he exclaimed to the NYC audience, “Piggy piggy piggies, all I see/Roll around in NYC/And I just try to stay out their way/ We get money in Manhattan take it back to BK.”