Iris Lune weaves through grief and loss on new track “Note to Self”

Mother’s Day can be a surprisingly reflective holiday — wherein we not only celebrate moms, but perhaps consider the necessary sacrifices inherent to parenthood. Songwriter Iris Lune commemorates her own late mother in new track “Note to Self,” released yesterday, in manners electronic and folky. A tactile, innovative indie pop single with elements evocative of Passion Pit, its instrumentals dramatically build to an explosive, emotive tribute, lyrically detailing grief and loss amongst punching drums and glittering synth. Such an effort serves well hidden nature of this past Sunday, and makes for a sentimental (and at times, soul stirring) listen; stream it below (and call your mom), and keep an eye out for Lune’s forthcoming LP lovelosslove dropping June 5th. Photo by Nir Aireli