Iranian post punkers Yellow Dogs play all the industry events in NYC!

How many music industry events does NYC need, really? Actually, let me rephrase that: how many music industry events does NYC need… in a 3 week time frame??? It’s like a dream for Music Industry panels addicts!

Following CMJ and SXSW’s model, not one, not two, but THREE organizations have in recent years decided to organize a similar industry occurrence. Bizarrely, they all decided to schedlue their events between the end of June and the beginning of July: L Mag’s Northside Fest will begin tomorrow and last until 06.17, which is the exact day when the New Music Seminar, with its never ending list of sponsors (chapeau!) will kick off. The brand new CBGB’s Fest will follow suit in early July.

Buzzworthy post punk band of Iranian expatriates Yellow Dogs is probably the only artist that’s playing at all the aforementioned events – the guys also have a show at Rooftop Films on June 14 and a few more between now and early July. They have also released a video of their single "This City" – streaming below.